Unlocking Communities: Ending Mass Incarceration in America was an event hosted by the Aspen Forum for Community Solutions, the Center for Community Change, the My Brother’s Keeper Alliance and the Vera Institute in May 2015.
Proponents have argued that mass incarceration is needed to fight crime. This approach has left us with a revolving door system that has done little to rehabilitate those who get locked up, destroys families and communities while leaving them no safer. We urge you to add your attention and voices to the conversation to catalyze action on this key issue.
To help with this we invite you to view and share content from the event. The video of the panel discussions is now available for viewing at this link. There is also a Storify Story, created by the Center for Community Change, that highlights key takeaways from the event.
In addition, Scott Budnick and Shawn Dove, members of the My Brother’s Keeper Alliance co-authored a terrific piece: On Mass Incarceration, We Have Reached a Tipping Point, discussing why the time to address the incarceration crisis is now.
Thank you so much for your engagement and energy in raising awareness on this important topic.
We invite you all to keep the conversation going on Twitter with #Decarcerate and #EndMassIncarceration.